The agricultural sector in Karo Regency's GRDP in 2016 reached 8,492,911.51 million and in the last 4 years, the agricultural sector has continued to increase. The development of the agricultural sector has been developed through the agropolitan concept centered in the District of Merek, but it is not well developed and its production is relatively lower than others sub-districts.Agropolitan development requires the determination of leading commodities by their production, while the main commodities of each sub-district and production centers of leading commodities based on vegetables, fruits, rice, and secondary crops for agropolitan areas are also not fully known.For this reason, an analysis of leading commodities and production centers is carried out through Location Quotient, Shift Share and Scoring in addition to knowing the carrying capacity of human resources and infrastructure.The results of the analysis state that the main commodities of each sub-district are different and the vegetable production center is located in Simpang Empat District, the fruit production center is located in Merdeka District and the rice and secondary food production center is located in Tigabinaga District. As well as the assessment of the carrying capacity of the infrastructure to support the development is also different, the results of the scoring of the location of the production center for fruits are still low, vegetables are low and secondary crops are moderate. These results could provide a theoretical foundation for further developing the Agropolitan area.
Keywords: Agropolitan, Leading Commodity, Location Quotient, Shift Share, Scoring